Excavating Bella Abzug (and Other Leo Moons)

So you know how you fall into video clip scavenger hunts when you should be doing something else? I was really affected by the death of soulful, rumpled John Heard, whom I loved in Out On A Limb, the crazy and I mean crazy TV miniseries he made with Shirley Maclaine based on her memoir about transchanneling, reincarnation, extraterrestrials and best friend Bella Abzug. So I watched the whole series, which was even better than I remembered, and it led me to watching the feminist state rep’s entire 1998 memorial service, at which such lady luminaries as Shirley, Jane Fonda (pictured in one of Bella’s more conservative hats), Fay Wattleton, and all of Bella’s activist besties from 1930s Hunter College spoke.

So now I am bawling instead of straighening my house in preparation for tonight’s new moon.  It’s a doozy of an astrological aspect–along with the sun, it is 0 degrees Leo, which is so much raw, majestic power to be harnessed that it’s only right that I clean my home in order to clear a path for its red carpet. But perhaps it is also right that I’m honoring Abzug and other powerful lioness channels as this new moon rises. Activism would be nothing without their brass tacks and gold hearts in our bloodlines.

I can only imagine the choice words Battling Bella would have for Olde 45 today.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy