Archive | Feminist Matters

Jennifer Jason Leigh’s Brave New World

Screen Shot 2016-02-20 at 11.47.01 AMEarlier this month, Jennifer Jason Leigh turned fifty-four. That’s middle-aged by any standards, not just at-thirty-she’s-over-the-hill Hollywood’s. Yet she’s knee-deep in a renaissance that may transform into a bona-fide career high, if it hasn’t already. On the heels of her much-touted voice work in “Anomalisa,” Charlie Kaufman’s animated feature, she’s received her first-ever Oscar nod for playing fugitive Daisy in Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight.” What’s even more noteworthy: It’s her first major role since 2007’s “Margot at the Wedding.”

“I feel like the door was closed, and I had made my peace with it,” the actress told The Guardian last month, crediting Tarantino for her return to the limelight. Though that comment is gracious – and though the writer/director does have a knack for resuscitating actors’ careers (see: John Travolta and Pam Grier) – Leigh’s current success may have more to do with a tenacity that’s enabled her to survive in the film industry since she was a tween. It’s a tenacity that often takes the form of a ragged self-possession, and it’s arguably the only good thing about “Eight,” in which her black-eyed gang leader Daisy reads as a silent film actress amid a babbling brook of men. (She’s the only female lead in the film.) Watchful, wrathful, and impossibly comic, Daisy’s like a grown-up Katzenjammer Kid – if those cartoon characters were out for genuine blood. Continue Reading →

The Doctor Is In

Screen Shot 2016-02-18 at 5.46.52 PMSo much heavy stuff has happened in the last few months but what broke this camel’s back–though in no way was it the gravest event–was the fact that this website got hacked. When you work for yourself, you have to be your own editor, publicist, accountant, and IT specialist. Generally, I don’t mind wearing so many hats but this week everything took a nosedive. Even figuring out the kind of help I needed proved difficult; articulating it proved more challenging; finding it was an absolute bear. Today, I finally hired someone and awaiting their results had my stomach in knots, my head fogged up. I hadn’t realized how much this blog had come to mean to me until it got all mucked up. The tech fairy kindly sorted everything out and updated my software but now I have to master the new system, which feels like learning how to tread water when I’ve been swimming across lakes for years.

It’s the same feeling I had last spring when it took a day to set up and learn an iPhone after I’d clung to the same Crackberry for a decade. I kept mumbling to myself, This will make things faster, right? Ultimately, it did, but first I had to dump a lot of time and energy into what still looks like a black hole in hindsight. Like so much about true adulthood, the hardest work is rarely remittable or detectable though it confers a secret satisfaction. UnknownI think about the Pilgrims, as I so often do when the modern world bogs me down. They didn’t have antibiotics but they also didn’t have computer viruses. What a strange world we now occupy: so isolated and so boundary-less, all at once. It’s enough to make this goody cry.

Beyoncé in Center Field

Beyoncé at the Super Bowl. Arranging her dancers in an X formation, strapping everyone into Black Power gear. Throwing back her throat, pumping her fist, singing with all her ancient power and youth:

Always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper.

Every time I think of what she pulled off, I start crying. In every way, she is using her center field to say: wake up, wake up, WAKE UP, America. The least we can do is listen.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy