Astro PSA: New Moon in Libra

If you woke feeling unusually optimistic, it could be more than the afterglow of dueling Town Halls that tarnished Trump’s prospects. A new moon in Libra rises today, with the inevitable hopefulness of a fresh start. As the sun is also in this sign, this lunar aspect highlights Libran values of balance and peace, especially in relationships. The only snag: It’s involved in a hairy T square with that Mars retrograde in me-me-me Aries and tough-love Saturn and Pluto in lone-wolf Cappie. So—especially because this is a supermoon—expect interactions over the next days to be supercharged with tensions and emotions (even for Pandemica). Trust me: It’s all to improve our communication and conflict management. Because to survive and thrive over the next few months, we must embrace compromise without codependency, self-possession without selfishness, and disagreement without bloodshed—let alone the denial of anyone’s human rights. So write down one kinship goal on a leaf, then bury it! Let’s see what love grows.

💕For more insight and guidance during this hyper-charged, hyper-retrograded lunar cycle, schedule an intuitive reading or dream interpretation. Even now, there’s loads of lovely love to download.💕

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy