Lucky Friday the 13th!

Happy happy Friday the 13th! This day may have a bad rap, but in any cosmology that honors the divine feminine, it is the luckiest of them all. Friday is the day of Venus, the goddess of love (Freya is the Nordic Venus); prized by witches and pagans, 13 is the number of lunar and menstrual cycles in every year. AKA female-forward as fuuuuuck. Can’t you just feel patriarchy quaking in its boots? So reclaim this traditionally maligned day by honoring rather than fearing its beautiful goddess energy. Count your blessings, hatch them for others, release everything that doesn’t live up to Venus’ glorious ethos of truth, compassion, and beauty—and say yes to the rest!

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy