New Moon in Libra: Venus Matters

Today we are graced with a new moon in Libra, and I do mean graced. With the sun also in Libra, Venus–the goddess of love, harmony, diplomacy, beauty, and, oh yeah, money—is running the show. Since Pluto, the planet of the subconscious and unconscious, is going direct while Mercury is still retrograde and the moon is opposing the wounded healer, Chiron, this is a wonderful time to dig deep.

Rather than projecting your will onto this gorgeous canvas of a new lunar cycle, let it teach you to distinguish between reflexes and intuition when it comes to relationships and resources. The best way to absorb this lesson? “Notice what you notice,” especially in terms of what pleases you aesthetically. Color and texture and flavor and sound are all energy frequencies, don’t you know. So unplug as much as possible from your devices and align with whatever confers visceral delight. True beauty—anything in its optimal form—isn’t skin deep. It’s a glittering clue to the divine mystery.

Book an intuitive reading for yourself or a loved one.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy