Over the years, people have asked all kinds of questions about my Ruby Intuition practice. Below I’ve tackled the most common ones. (This is an updated version.) Feel free to ask more!
Is getting a reading scary?
I’m a big believer in coffee with cream, so I ensure the delivery of information is loving, diplomatic, and occasionally amusing. Do I see illness, death, betrayal? Sometimes, because that’s part of the human condition. But you can rest assured that while I never lie, I only share what you need to know at the time of our session and I always do so gently. I’ve never liked massages that so tough-love that they tense rather than relax muscles, and I’ve never endorsed truth bombs that make us dread our future. We’re supposed to enjoy this business of being alive.
Will I find out when I or someone I love is going to die?
Nope, for reasons described above.
Do I have to believe in God or some higher power for this to work?
I firmly believe we’re all part of a “whole greater than the sum of its parts”–whether you call this energy God, the Universe, Yahweh, Allah, the Divine Feminine, or something or someone else. I also believe this energy is the source of my intuition. But you don’t have to believe that. You just have to show up with an open mind.
How do you receive your information?
I’ll probably have a complete answer as soon as I fully understand the afterlife–which is to say, when I die. But I can tell you that sometimes I register images or snatches of songs or even an unexplained scent. When I do, I follow out the information until it makes more sense. Mostly, though, I just know information about you, your life, and your timeline as if it’s a database already stored in my brain. This skill is called claircognizance, and it is heightened as we tune into each other–me, by meditating on you before and during sessions, and you, by focusing on our session through activities as simple as setting up the appointment and finding your astrological data. I also use breath work at the beginning of each session to enhance both of our intuition.
Do you worry about the ethics of this work?
As a graduate of Quaker college, I consider the ethics of my practice all the time, especially because this line of work is so unregulated. Trust that any manipulation on my part would adhere to the three times rule–namely, it would affect me at least three times more negatively than it would affect you. And because I believe I receive my intuition from a divine source, defiling it amounts to blasphemy in my cosmology. For these and a million other reasons, you can be sure that I labor mightily to uphold compassion, clarity, and integrity in my work.
Be honest. Why should I get an intuitive reading at all?
It’s a great question. What I offer in intuitive readings is a glimpse of your highest self or soul, as well an overarching path for more fully living as that entity. As much as we are all insightful and capable, a loving and honest mirror helps since it’s hard to see ourselves clearly. There’s a reason therapists always have therapists! Ultimately my job is to identify lifelong (sometimes lives-long) patterns, paths, and opportunities for growth. It’s on you to embrace this beautiful change–often, with a therapist. (I work with several in my practice and am happy to make referrals.)
When’s a good time to come see you?
Scheduling an intuitive reading in the 14 days around your birthday is ideal because that is your personal new year and there’s a lot of “good wind” around beginnings. (I do not recommend a session on your actual calendar birthday.) There are also great times in the astrological/lunar calendar: retrogrades, eclipses, solstices, new moons, full moons. But any time you are in serious transition or pain, or have a pressing question also does the trick. Generally speaking, trust your gut about what feels right.
How often should I get readings?
You can have an intuitive reading once and never see me again if that’s all you need. Many clients schedule one or twice per year–more frequently during periods of great change or to develop tools or rituals. Ethically I do not advise more than three readings per year if you are only seeking predictions, not tools, rituals, and context to support your path. When we treat the future as something we don’t have to work to create, that watched pot doesn’t always boil. That said, I work with some clients as often as once a month if they are seeking to improve their own intuition or more deeply understand a challenge from the past or present.
Can I record sessions?
It is my experience that people are not as present for an experience when they are recording it with a device. I encourage the use of notebooks instead, not only during our session but to afterward record dreams, signs, and concrete plans that arise from our time together. You can rest assured that you will remember what you need, and that your unconscious stores the rest for you to access on an as-needed basis. Sessions work on a cellular level, no pun intended. That said, I have come to accept that some clients feel it necessary to otherwise record a session, and respect that choice.
Can I see you in person?
During quarantine, I developed a methodology for video-conferencing and audio sessions that has proved at least as effective as in-person sessions. Most clients find it easier to open to this deep work from a familiar, safe space like their own office or bedroom, and, in all honesty, I find it easier to tune in when physical realities are not as intrusive. 2020 taught us that that electronic communication is as much of a blessing as it is a curse, and my work is all about reading energy, which is just another form of electricity, anyway.
May I have a friend or have someone else present in the session? Sessions are only conducted one-on-one because I have never been able to fully reach someone’s highest self when another person is present. In a pinch, my familiar Grace, a striped permakitten, is happy to hold your paw.
I’m trying to contact someone who has died. Do you do that?
If your only motivation for coming to me is to contact a deceased person, I can recommend other mediums. That said, it is not unusual for me to have a sense or even a “download” from a deceased person or spirit energy while we are working. I will convey what I observe so long as it is constructive.
My house is haunted. Can you help with that?
I can help you mind the presences less. I don’t believe we have to live uncomfortably with other spirit energies, which (in my cosmology) surround us at all times. But I am not an exorcist, and do not purport to know any.
Do you believe in past lives? Will I learn about mine?
I was raised to matter-of-factly acknowledge past lives without dwelling on them. Reincarnation makes sense in an Einstein Theory of Relativity capacity–energy into matter into energy and all that–but what we do in this life is most relevant. I only tune into your other lives–other iterations of your soul–when they become abundantly clear (even intrusive) during sessions. If and when they do, chances are good you are repeating a karmic pattern from which you’ve yet to learn all your lessons, so it’s useful to examine the issue from all angles.
Are there time frames to your predictions?
Often when we work with the tarot deck, I ask for guidance and insight within a certain time frame. But there is no underestimating the power of free will, which means that your actions and choices in the present change the course of your life every minute of every day. The Universe has a mischievous habit of circling us back to the same place or circumstances until we navigate them differently.
Do you do dream interpretation? Can you teach me to have predictive dreams?
Because dreams are downloads from our highest self, the more we record and interpret them, the more divine information we receive about our past, present, and future, as well as our optimal paths. So, yes: I am honored to help you develop your intuition by teaching you to more fully receive dreams. You may even schedule a “dream medicine package” (three guidance sessions) to alert your higher self that you are committed to receiving whatever wisdom it downloads in your sleep. Speaking personally, I have recorded at least two dreams a week since I was 16 years old, and they have granted me guidance from my ancestors and a roadmap for my life.
What tarot deck do you use?
There are many wonderful tarot decks with more nuanced identity politics, but I prefer Rider-Waite not only because I was trained with it but because I appreciate its simplicity. It is a storybook unto itself.
I am looking for an animal psychic. Is this something you do?
I love animals and can read them like a Ramona Quimby book. But I do not claim to translate their thoughts and, full disclosure, am a bit wary of those who claim they can. Animals are wired differently into Source–arguably more directly. That is part of their delightful magic.
Can you read thoughts in general?
As much as I respect the human brain, I do not consider our thoughts to be consistent telegrams from our true selves. Rather, they are often like static–conditioned responses that block us from who we really are. So the information I receive is not from your thought process so much as your energy, plain and simple.
Have you ever been unable to read someone?
No. If you are ambivalent or skeptical about the work, I have to labor harder to reach your higher consciousness, but that labor can produce its own revelations.
Can you read for someone who is on mental health medication?
There are intuitives who will not read for a person on such medications, but I am not one of them. For some clients, medication is necessary to achieve equilibrium and it is wonderful they have this support. My only request is that you engage with my work when sober. If a person is drunk, high, or abusing prescribed medications, I am not confident they will fully receive the information I download and do not always feel safe achieving the vulnerability necessary to tune in.
Are your sessions confidential?
You may speak about our sessions with whomever you please, but I will never talk about them with anyone but you. In that sense, I am like a lawyer or a doctor. The vulnerability built into this work requires such discretion.
Do you do gift certificates?
Yes. I do ask that you ensure the recipient is open to intuition work before setting up a gift, as I don’t refund and not everyone is amenable to “psychic readings.” Once interest is confirmed, you may fill out a form and take it from there.
Do you barter? I do not. It is best to maintain very clear boundaries around intuitive work for the sake of all involved.
Do you do sliding scale?
I do not do sliding scale for any of my readings, much for the same reason I do not barter. Additionally, readings require a significant expenditure of energy that must be adequately replenished in order to ensure their efficacy.
Sometimes I think I may have a “sixth sense” too. Can you help me with this?
Absolutely. I believe we each are on the “intuition spectrum,” meaning we all are privy to much more information than we may consciously register. In my work, I love teaching others how to notice what they notice.
What happens if I still have questions after an intuitive reading? I work very hard to convey everything you need to know within the body of one session. But if a client finds they have follow-up questions, especially if they are in a period of significant transition, a guidance session can be scheduled so that I may tune in again to access more details.
And what happens if I just want to continue our work together? As I said, you may schedule guidance sessions whenever you wish because they emphasize process rather than prediction–the “how” of the paths divined in intuitive readings–so do not disrupt your own agency. Using whichever tools best support your expansion in that moment–breath work, visualization, guided meditation, dream interpretation, cultural resources, tarot and/or astrology–we may focus on one dream or time-sensitive question, develop rituals to hone your own intuition, or even come up with a reading list. No matter the initial prompt, the real point of guidance sessions is to activate your unique joy, calling, piece of the divine puzzle in a more daily way. It’s beautiful work.
How can I make an appointment?
You can a book a session here. (I don’t set up appointments via phone calls, emails, or through social media.)
Do you remember sessions afterward?
In full disclosure, I often do not remember much about intuitive readings after they are concluded. This is not because I do not care. The forgetting is a protective device that enables me to return to my own life without carrying others’ energy. I recall more details about guidance sessions because they utilize my creative mind more than my predictive mind.
Why are you doing this work? It is my fervent belief that everything–even our hardest experiences and most challenging traits–can teach us how to live a more useful and joyous life. I embrace our sessions in that light.
Have more questions? Send them on!