As 2021 draws to a close, consider the gift of Ruby Intuition. During this year of great upheaval, I’ve been honored to help chart optimal paths and look forward to charting even more for 2022. Omicron may be ruining our best-laid plans but Zoom energy readings are proving at least as effective as my in-person sessions. They allow intense downloads to be absorbed in the comfort of your own space, and electricity is energy, after all.
Dream medicine sessions are also now available. Designed to decode the psychic messages sent by your highest self, these sessions draw upon tarot, breath work, and your own powerful intuition, help you distinguish between psychic and psychological downloads, and are also useful for those who don’t remember dreams but would like to start.
So book a session, gift a reading, give yourself or another dream medicine, DM, and feel free to share this post. I’m always grateful to reorient you and your loved ones with practical magic, kittens.