Archive | Food Matters

Hermine Looms, the ‘I’ Fades Away

daddy o daddyTemperatures cool, winds pick up. The doves huddle on the fire escape, permakitten creeps closer by my side. Coming up from intuition sessions I’m so wild-eyed and ravenous. Rice goes in the cooker, mushrooms and asparagus get chopped. We roast a chicken Bitman-style: sea-salted, thymed and magic-oiled, stuffed with olives, garlic, lemon, and chili peppers, cast-ironed at high, high heat. Eyebrow cocked, ogle the big sunset (too soon, too soon), then Astaire’s restless gams, Wilder’s Daddy Long Legs. Caron on the satin screen, Hermine on the horizon, summer in the rear-view mirror. Rueful, real: red wine for all.

C.J., Lemon Lobster Rice, and Me

cj creggO human people: we only can preach at other so much before our faith falters. Today I’ve read as many articles and social media posts as I can manage, written three pieces (and one vehement blog post), and walked four miles in this stupid, stupid heat. My brain is officially dry white toast. So I’m going to make lemon lobster rice and wolf it in my air-conditioned bedroom while watching episodes of “West Wing.” Who knew that show would represent a relatively halcyon era of American politics? Anywhere, here’s the recipe if you’re interested. I made it up while watching C.J. Cregg eviscerate a fashion reporter, so if it’s off, you have my ardent apologies. It tasted pretty good to me. Continue Reading →

Revolution Ceviche

CEVICHEAll I want to eat in this weather is ceviche, ceviche, ceviche. I don’t trust myself to make it–raw fish requires an expert touch, I fear–but I wolf it everywhere I find it, especially at the swoony jungle rooftop garden of the Llama Inn. I’d eat ceviche for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could possibly manage three meals in this heat. Maybe a fish taco for variation every once in a while, but, really, bring on the ceviche. We can solve the country’s problems with ceviche, I think, because I’ll devour even the most unappetizing fish if it’s been marinated with many habaneros. So let’s do white supremacist ceviche, NRA fanatic ceviche, transphobic troll ceviche. Fuck it. Let’s do Trump ceviche.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy