Archive | Quoth the Raving

I Am Capricorn, Hear Me Toil

Whenever someone asks me how my summer’s been, I say it’s been worky.

It’s not a complaint. I come from people who have a hard time finding employment–let alone employment they dig–and it never ceases to amaze me that I get paid for what I’ve dreamed of doing since I was small. Not to mention the tremendous satisfaction I feel as a woman, even in this day and age, that I have earned every cent in my bank account (though I wish it were more). Sometimes I want a time machine just to travel back to the ’70s and assure the worried girl I was that she’s going to pull it all off.

So the look of pity my reply evokes always makes me feel both misunderstood and a strange reciprocal pity. I could never exactly articulate why until I read this passage in a Werner Herzog interview: I’m no workaholic but a holiday is only a necessity for someone whose work is an unchanged daily routine. For me everything is constantly fresh and constantly new. I love what I do, and my life feels like one long vacation.

Maybe next time someone asks about my summer, I should just sing this quote.

Cherries, Bittersweet

“I know that, if I want to have loving feelings, I need to do loving things. I try to quiet the drunken Russian separatists in my own mind. I pray. I meditate. I rest, as a spiritual act. I spring for organic cherries. I return phone calls.”– Anne Lamott

Love’s in Need of Love Today

All week my heart has been breaking–and, really, it should be. Every news headline is hard and sad and a call for international reckoning. It’s these kind of times when we not only shouldn’t but really can’t shut the door on the rain outside our own lives. And in my head I keep hearing this Stevie song because yes o yes: “Love’s in need of love today.”

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy