Archive | Weather Matters

The Beautiful Change of Ostara

Today is Ostara, the vernal equinox, the first day of spring. It is the year’s most powerful burst of energy, a bright new bloom, a stupendously roaring fire. In the pagan and astrological calendars, it is also the first day of the new year—when Mother Earth officially bounds back to life. We embrace this hallowed event with revelry and pageantry—flowers, feasts, costuming, wine, orgiastic writhing (ahem!). But let us also embrace this reboot as a softening—of the soil, the air, our hearts.

Take a moment today to go outside, place your hands on the heart chakra, and inhale this change. How will you serve your highest self and the highest good? Better yet, how will you celebrate it? Breathe in this new space, then gently request your highest spirit to build it out.

Pay close attention to your dreams tonight and to anything out of the ordinary over the next 24 hours. The veil between this world and the next is unusually thin during these transitions, and blueprints and tools are more easily delivered from guides, ancestors, and the divine intelligence of the universe.

Then tomorrow, if you have the means, start something new. Even one plant on your fire escape will help. Even one seed. We all need the wonder of something new and sustaining. We all need a systemic and seismic healing. We all need practical magic. Happy spring, sweet and salty friends. I bid you beautiful change.

This next month is an extraordinary time to divine new paths and release roadblocks. Schedule an intuitive reading here.

The Weather Report

People are always DMing me: Is it just me or is something going on with the stars? So I’ve created a text-message service to answer that question on any given day, using your birthdate and a tarot card I draw while tuning into you.

The way it works is simple. 1. Fill out this form (It requests your name, DOB, and a sentence about why you’re asking–i.e., you’re feeling anxious; wondering if it’s a good day to ask out your crush; simple curious.) 2. Venmo $65 (handle: lisa-rosman; requested digits: 4575). 3. Within an hour (usually less), I’ll message back specific guidance about how the stars are affecting your day’s prospects; what is further revealed by the tarot card I pull on your behalf; a screenshot of that card for meditation purposes; and how to make the most of whatever shows up!

If you’ve received a Ruby Intuition intuitive reading in the past, I’ll check your astrological chart; if not, I will use your sign and age though feel free to include your moon and ascendant if you know it. Rest assured that you’ll receive a lot of info either way!

How is this different from other astrological offerings? It’s practical and personal. Trust that I’ll alert you to any activity that’s an especially bad or good call, and how the tarot card specifically applies to your question. Also: if I don’t see any big astrological aspects gumming up your works, I’ll be honest. Magic never works without honesty, and sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

To streamline this process, your form and Venmo donation ($30; handle: lisa-rosman) are required for my response. Hours of inquiry: 7:30am-2pm EST. No additional messages guaranteed and only short-term questions answered. To chart your optimal path over a longer timeline, book an intuitive reading.

Check your “whether” today! Fill out the form here; Venmo here!

The Sorry, Charlie School of Intuitive Guidance

It is spring, the world is blooming, and instinctually we wish to bloom as well. While this can feel inspiring, it also can be triggering. Because one of the hardest lessons of life is that we can’t always push our way through. No matter how smart, gifted, and well-intended we are—no matter how much we charm, chant, meditate, pray, make affirmations, visualize, flow-chart, invest, work,nand white-knuckle it—sometimes things just don’t go our way.

In my intuition practice I have observed that the Universe will put obstacle after obstacle in our path until we not only learn a new lesson but a new way to learn. Central to this learning is the acceptance that we are creating our lives with something else. When we learn how to be present and open to each moment even when we wish it were different, then we align with this divine consciousness. It is in this alignment that we are always supported and always grow.

Flowers don’t bloom from their will alone and neither do we. That’s what makes it all so hard–and so rhapsodically mud-luscious.

To chart optimal paths, release roadblocks, and activate your own intuition, book a reading for yourself or a loved one. Image: Shara Hughes.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy