Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

Say a Little Prayer

Praying for Aretha, who reportedly is gravely ill. I have loved her since I was a toddler, named my family cat after her when I was only 2, listened to her albums on autorepeat all through my childhood, adolescence, womanhood too. Her music has made me feel strong and seen through every heartbreak since I was a tween, has given me a soundtrack for every hard-won victory. She’s the queen and knows it because royalty always knows its worth. If it’s her time, I send light and love for her passage. But selfishly, so selfishly, I wish this woman to stay on the planet as long as I’m here. Through her unblinking glamour, her everything-and-the-kitchen-sink musicality, she’s guided me more than anyone else ever could.

Lionhearts for All

Today’s new moon corresponds with our final eclipse of the season, omgoddess. Eclipses release a tremendous rush of energy, and new moons signal, no surprise, fresh starts. As all this takes place in the sign of Leo, the lessons at hand are ones of self-love. How can we nurture our darkest corners, our most private hurts? How can we shine light on all of ourselves, not just the parts we deem fit for company? When I think of this powerful moment, I think of Marge Piercy’s quote: “Live as if you loved yourself, and it may happen/reach out, keep reaching out, keep bringing in./ This is how we are going to live for a long time: not always,/for every gardener knows that after the digging, after the planting,/after the long season of tending and growth, the harvest comes.” Loving yourself is not the same as narcissism; it is in fact the opposite. Self-love is accepting that you are not perfect but whole nonetheless–a tree, a star, a mountain lion–regardless of whether anyone else ever tells you so. Start here, and you can move whatever and wherever you need. Blessings and love, dear ones.

Coming at You

This is the most silent I’ve been on this blog since its inception, and I offer no apologies. There are six planets in retrograde–Mars and Mercury are especially packing a punch–and we’ve been knee-deep in eclipses. So I’ve been surrendering to the universe big-time, riding its waves and heeding its gory lessons, and hope you’ve been doing the same. Rest assured, if you haven’t had a tumultuous summer, you haven’t been doing it right.

Mars retrograde suffers no fools; it’s all about teaching us how we hold ourselves back in our relationships and in pursuit of our dreams.The best thing we can do right now is revisit old patterns so we can blow them up. Yep, you read that right. BLOW THEM UP. The good part is sex–sexy dreams, sexual revolutions, sexual evolutions. For while Freud said everything was about sex, I think sex is about everything else–about igniting all walks of life—and there’s a pulse thumping that wants to transform your rhythms. So go ahead and succumb (pun intended). Sex with yourself counts, maybe the most, so don’t ignore this siren call just because there’s no object of your desire.

Of course, with this Mercury retrograde in proud, proud Leo, you can bet there have been a lot of ruffled and kerfuffled feathers. If I’m being honest, I haven’t been doing tons of Ruby Intuition readings because it’s difficult to analyze the storm while it’s still raining–not to mention that I prefer to serve cream with my coffee and none of us have been on our best behavior. But now that eclipse season is coming to its thunderous conclusion–Saturday’s is going to be a doozy, dear ones!–my mind’s eye is clear as a bell. Do let’s learn together what the heavens have been trying to teach you. I’ll be available for Massachusetts readings August 13-23, and to my fellow New Yorkers for the rest of August. Get in touch.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy