Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

Astro PSA: Full Moon in Scorpio

Even if you don’t believe in astrology, the full moon in Scorpio believes in you. Rosy and powerful, she’s brimming with divine feminine mischief and will spill any secret that’s been held too long. So lean into it already. Fill a tub with rose oil and salt, light a candle, howl at the wind, hand-letter a valentine, if only to your best self. If you focus on letting love reign tonight, it surely will for days and even months to come. If you try to maintain business as usual, you’re in for a night of Shakespearean-level drama. My advice? Unbutton it all, my pretties.

Hatching Venus

Friday rolls around, and I doff my writer’s cap and put a Ruby Intuition hat on for the weekend. I’m always restored by clients’ energy, by channeling and charting a path with their best selves, but the calm beauty of this season helps sessions flow especially well. Ruled by Venus, Taurus is all about deep roots and reaching toward the sun—shit as fertilizer, practical magic as a bloom. Come find yours.

Land-locked Mermaid

Yesterday could only be described as a bad day. Nothing terrible happened, but dread won the race–I couldn’t see the forest so couldn’t write the trees.

Writing a book is different from writing the short pieces that have been my professional mainstay. Every piece needs to fit into a bigger puzzle and some days I can’t tell if something is too jagged or too smooth to lock into anything else. Yesterday was like that, and also it was raining. At first the best I could do was eat a lot of buttered popcorn and watch old movies. This was not going to pay the bills but it did remind me how my last career happened. Continue Reading →

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy