Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

The Gaze of Marina Abramović

the gazeTo experience the work of performance artist Marina Abramović is to step outside of the time-space continuum. That’s how she likes it, I think, and that is why we flock to her unblinking gaze. This was most literally true at her “The Artist Is Present” show, which exhibited at New York’s Museum of Modern Art in the spring of 2010 and to date may be the most famous performance art piece of this millennium. In it, she took over the museum’s atrium and, adorned in a floor-length dress of wool and cashmere, sat eight hours each day in an armless chair as she silently held the gaze of every visitor who sat opposite her. Continue Reading →

The Law of Life

time stoppedThe wonderful writer Anne Lamott says that when a lot of things break at once, it is to protect something big and lovely that is trying to get itself born. I believe this, and also believe that when our energy frequencies undergo a sudden, profound shift—one that doesn’t resonate with our current circumstances—things break, especially things that channel energy overtly. Continue Reading →

Nasty Woman Home Network

nasty womanThis morning I set up a new wireless network for Gracie Rosmansion. My Internet had been acting funky and after protracted wrangling with Time Warner Spectrum Whatever, it became apparent my router had punked out for good. Setting up a new one is the easiest thing in the world, but I confess I still felt a nutty sense of accomplishment. It wasn’t until middle age that I became a woman who did home repair and solved her own tech problems. Continue Reading →

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy