Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

Cat Lady Speaks: A Word on Neighbors

I’m sitting down for a morning writing session but am going to get this out so I can actually focus on my book. Consider it a mini-edict on behalf of those of us who don’t treat Brooklyn living as a two-year post-college course. A celebration of NYC’s twin gifts of loneliness and privacy.

Which is to say that somehow along the line I became that woman. Continue Reading →

Kitchen Witch (Stay-at-Home Automom)

I could pretend what’s pictured here is a kitchen sink salad but it’s more of a garbage pail salad. Meaning I have all kinds of motley ingredients in my fridge and I work at home and hate to throw out food. So this contains chopped blue cheese and pickles and capacollo and kale and asparagus and even a bit of chive and parsley and o shit mint. it’s fine—actually it’s pretty good, salty and fresh and filling and a little oooomami—but i’d never inflict it on anyone else.

Instead I made it after rising at 5 am to revise yesterday’s book pages and then write the film lecture I’m delivering later today out on Long Island. Before editing said lecture, I worked out in the gym recently installed in our basement while doing laundry in our building’s new washer and dryer. (Anything to seduce Williamsburg tenants during 15 months of a modified L Train.) I felt so glamorous doing all this in my own building, on my own time. Herein lies the strange beauty of living and working alone–a spiky, highly singular economy within which I feel most myself. I’m even more grateful for it lately because your support showed me how not-alone I really am. (PS I’m back in book, finally.)

Taurus Season? This Metaphysician Is In!

Taurus season is my favorite season—a time of new beginnings and solid foundations, of practical magic and gentle progress. As of today’s new moon in Taurus, it’s also a time to manifest graceful, step-by-step change, especially when it comes to your financial and creative resources. Don’t force these goals. Let them come to you, ideally as you take a moment to breathe in May’s sweet air.

Venus rules Taurus, but in the most stabilizing ways. In this sign she is about natural bounty, living in rhythm with Mama Earth. Not for nothing was Mother Mary, that beacon of radical receptivity, born this month. For the next few weeks, life is one big pink peony—-gorgeous at every stage, pleasing to every sense. Which is to say: I’m always excited to see my clients but reading for them right now is like filling my office with spring’s most beautiful blooms. If you’ve been considering booking an intuition session, may I suggest doing so now? No matter what’s going on in your life, we’ll have so much fun.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy