Mother Courage

I’m interested in social and traditional media learning fast to ignore Trump’s narcissistic injuries. The engagement with his reality TV trash talk–the reasoning, quipping, pearls-clenching among ourselves–must stop. It makes us feel clever while it allows him to lead the story in addition to our country. I know from dating malignant narcissists–and this karmically may be why I did so–that the only way to curtail their destruction is to cut off their air time; it’s literally oxygen to them. So we must highlight facts and figures, not a madman’s fabulations. We must lead with Streep’s message of courage and clarity, not Trump’s toady tweet. (No link to the latter for obvious reasons.) The story we want to be able to tell our grandchildren is one of resistance. Of transcendence. Of love. It is not one of GIFs.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy