You Say Valentine, I Say Vagina (Wicked Witch)

I saw “The Lady Eve” at Metrograph; I wore fur and red lipstick with zero compunction; I ate oysters and duck; I drank champagne cocktails and big red wine; I walked miles and miles with a kindred spirit in the shadow of the Empire State Building’s red-harlot lights. I heckled men walking down the street carrying red roses–“Are those for meeee?”–and sniffed at a swain who tried to pick me up at the mail box. “You post things? How elegant!” “Oh, take your Valentine goggles off!” Most of all, I smiled at everyone who smiled at me, and batted my lashes lasciviously at the rude boys on the subway. This year’s V Day had a different vibe–less materialistic, more conspiratorial. It suited this love witch just fine.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy