Mercury Retrograde begins Sunday, to be layered over the Venus Retrograde (that just won’t go away). I always say retrogrades are an opportunity for reflection, not a punishment, but this is a whole lot of stasis at once, especially as the retrogrades take place partly in Aries, which absolutely hates idling at the gate. The good news is that this too shall pass–Venus goes direct April 15 and Mercury goes direct May 3–but expect drama, drama, drama in the interim. On a practical level, back up your electronics and purchase travel insurance for any trips planned during this period. God knows this is one time when I am practicing what I preach.
Archive | Astro Matters
Hip to the Constellation
Typically those of us in the healing and magic communities make a point of sticking to the positive. In this capacity I am no exception, for I ardently believe that even the most challenging aspects of life pose an opportunity for spiritual growth. That said, when we have as many planets in Aries as we currently do—Uranus, Mercury, Eries, Sun, Venus and, as of today, Moon—I feel more than a little weary. All that unreflective go-go-go and me-me-me energy! Such pressure! Such bother! Such blather! Today, though, I am facing a profound crossroads in my creative and professional life, so I am trying to practice what I preach. Let us all welcome this new moon as a fire point, a power surge, an ignition like no other. Standing in the afternoon’s light at the river’s edge of my neighborhood, here is my cry: Please, mommy goddesses, give us the faith and temerity to push ourselves where we need to go. As the Aries goddess pictured here sings: “Get hip to the consultation!” It goes without saying that I pretend she’s singing “constellation” instead.