Archive | Country Matters
The Path of Most Resistance
November 10, 2016 in Country Matters, Listing
Yesterday I sat shiva for our country. I cried, ate shitty carbs, was sick to my stomach. I sat on a hard box and even covered my mirrors. That night, I went to the protest in Union Square and then saw Party People, Liesl Tommy’s powerfully resonant musical about the Black Panthers at the Public Theater. Being unified with others in beautiful resistance was all I could bear. Many times during the play I and other audience members–even the actors–broke out in tears. Afterward, we all talked seriously and hugged each other, even people who did not know each other. We sobbed as hard as we do at funerals. I was broken-hearted but so grateful for the solidarity, for the sense that we cousin outsiders still belong to some aspect of U.S. history–the part that has its roots in social justice rather than manifest destiny. Continue Reading →
The Future Is Now
November 9, 2016 in Country Matters, Quoth the Raving, Spirit Matters