Archive | Essays

Red Is the Color of My Bloody, Bloody Heart

The last time I had sex, I lost my red glasses though I didn’t know it at the time. If I did, I doubt I would have lingered too long on the symbolism. It would have been too bald.

What aren’t you seeing? Everything you don’t want to see.

I did not realize the glasses were missing until three days after the sexual interlude. I rotate through many pairs depending on how I want to look as I look upon the world.

On the day I lost this pair, I was wearing all red. Not the dark, dried-blood shade that feels like a waste of a good thing, but the orange-inflected tomato that enlivens the Sioux and Semitic strains of my DNA. The red that makes my hair and skin glow.

I wear it when I wish to activate myself and everyone around me.

I have many, many tubes of lipstick in this color. I wear it even when I am wearing a mask. This red exudes a power not merely visual. An energy frequency that’s maybe even a microwave ray. Havana Syndrome: the lipstick edition. Continue Reading →

New Moon in Libra: Venus Matters

Today we are graced with a new moon in Libra, and I do mean graced. With the sun also in Libra, Venus–the goddess of love, harmony, diplomacy, beauty, and, oh yeah, money—is running the show. Since Pluto, the planet of the subconscious and unconscious, is going direct while Mercury is still retrograde and the moon is opposing the wounded healer, Chiron, this is a wonderful time to dig deep.

Rather than projecting your will onto this gorgeous canvas of a new lunar cycle, let it teach you to distinguish between reflexes and intuition when it comes to relationships and resources. The best way to absorb this lesson? “Notice what you notice,” especially in terms of what pleases you aesthetically. Color and texture and flavor and sound are all energy frequencies, don’t you know. So unplug as much as possible from your devices and align with whatever confers visceral delight. True beauty—anything in its optimal form—isn’t skin deep. It’s a glittering clue to the divine mystery.

Book an intuitive reading for yourself or a loved one.

Be Careful What You Wish For

In all my readings this week, I have been asked: How can I manifest positive change? It’s a beautifully September question, and it reminds me that sometimes the importance of shadow work is overlooked in manifestation practices.

To will something into being, we don’t have to tackle our shadows—our toxicity and trauma. Through affirmations, visualization, and white knuckles, we can summon nearly anything–marriages, money, even fame. But without self-reckoning, we project our shadows into whatever we manifest, ensuring we’ll encounter more problematic versions of them down the road.

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"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy