Archive | Past Matters

Mystical Forests and Shetls of the Mind

This summer, the city has been almost hospitable except for a few weeks when, ahem, I have just happened to be out of town: California during that June heat wave and upstate this last week. I’m due to return tomorrow, just as the temperature will finally plunge below 90. Continue Reading →

That Stranger Called My Life

I just saw an old lover on the street. He didn’t see me–or pretended he didn’t–but I got a good eyeful. We were together off and on for four years and I hadn’t seen him in two. Recently he turned fifty, so he’s been on my mind though our connection is too dangerous to ignite with a polite phone call or card. We live in the same neighborhood so it’s a wonder we don’t run into each other more often. I often think the Universe is protecting us by ensuring we don’t. We caused each other a lot of pain–more than the pleasure we gave each other, even.

I watched him talk to someone–a friend, it looked like, though not a close one. Maybe a colleague. I watched him clasp his big hand on that man’s shoulder, then make his way down the street in the opposite direction from me. My old lover seemed smaller and bigger, blurrier and more filled in. It was a shock to see him alive at all–still human, not just an animation of my many memories. Continue Reading →

And the Portions Are So Small

I’m still laughing about a cinema club talk I gave recently. We were screening a dour Polish biopic that I didn’t privately endorse but didn’t want to bad-mouth. Our attendees had paid good money and gotten up really early.

It turned out they weren’t into it either, a fact they made abundantly clear.

The way things usually go: I screen the film, give a 15-minute talk, and then open up the discussion to a question-and-answer period during which everyone tells me the film was great and my interpretation supersmart. (I preen, I tell you; all hail the unbeloved child.) This time, though, they were just plain pissed. While I was talking, everyone kept screaming SPEAK UP YOU TALK TOO SOFT WE CAN’T HEAR YOU’RE MUMBLING. Continue Reading →

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy