Archive | Spirit Matters

What Looms Too Large

02979381102462b396cda16f020bb23cI can’t shake the feeling that these last lunar eclipses took no prisoners. I could not reel myself in and no one around me seemed able to curtail their worst impulses, either. Not to mention all the losses over the last few days–2016’s death toll was already too long–and the fact that nothing feels settled. My kitchen is a mess, my to-do list is dauntingly long, my future feels fuzzy, my empty bed looms too large, and these gorgeous caftans I keep collecting (I found another great one on my trip to the Cape) may be dissolving the last vestiges of my girlhood. Continue Reading →

Stuck With Grace

Photo on 3-13-16 at 6.44 AMI may the only one around who is genuinely fascinated by everyone’s dreams; I consider them an open door into their secrets, as well as their connection to the spirit world. So I won’t be offended if you skip this account of one I had last night of Miss Grace and some rose bushes. It is drenched in supertext rather than subtext, which may be an occupational hazard of being an intuitive. (All signs in neon, thank ya veddy much.) I do suggest writing down your own dream tomorrow morning if you are still reading, though. Something or someone will show up if you are truly listening.

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Hexed and Hacked

Screen Shot 2016-03-13 at 10.02.54 PMIt started with a pair of heels clicking down the hallway of a dream.

I have a great grandmother I’ve never discussed here. She is a family legend and, like most family legends, a family shadow. She and I were never alive at the same time but she looks out for me like no one in my line but my mother’s mother Alice May, who died when I was 18.

This great-grandmother’s name was Rubenfire, which I learned long after I named my now-deceased kitty Ruby. Growing up I was only told that she was a very cruel woman who’d made a small fortune selling rags. Later I learned she was brave, charismatic, and resourceful, and that when she’d arrived here from Poland as a non-English-speaking teen, she’d done the only thing she could to support her children upon discovering her husband had started a new family in Brooklyn: She turned tricks, and eventually became a successful brothel owner in the Salem area of Massachusetts. Continue Reading →

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy