Archive | Spirit Matters

Our Bodies, Our Tesseracts

imagesSo long as we still have memories, each of us eventually becomes a time traveler. When I walk down a NYC street, I can see how it looked 20 years ago as clearly as I can see the way it is now. And when I speak to someone I’ve known a while, I can see all the ways they once looked, talked, and felt as easily as I can see who they are at this moment. I’ve always known our bodies are time travelers–that they store every feeling and experience we’ve had and translate them into ailments and strengths. Lately I think our minds are, too. Einstein said, “The only reason for time is so everything doesn’t happen at once” but he was only talking about chronos, or linear time. In kairos, or soul time, everything does happen at once, and none of those things change unless spiritual progression occurs.

Brand New Heavy

774109179I woke up early for the first time in months, wrote for two hours, and then bounced down to the coffee shop to fetch a laaarge americano. The winter sun was bright if distant (like so many of my lovers; like me, arguably), the Brand New Heavies were blasting in my ears–“I like it!”–and I felt positively ecstatic that all I had to do was duck back home, throw open the windows, and write some more on a topic I genuinely find interesting. It’s amazing what a difference a day makes. Having finally fixed the website problems that have been hanging over my head for weeks, the rest of my routine–which only yesterday seemed Sisyphean–feels like a winter trip to the Bahamas.


I love pink. I love red. I love flowers. I love hearts. I love wine. I love sex. I love love. So this year I’ve decided to sidestep everything I don’t love about Valentine’s Day (the doth-protest-too-much couple proclamations on social media, the commercial malarkey, the jacked restaurant prices, the liberationists transformed into Cathy Comics) to focus on all that big, juicy, game-changing, out-of-left-field, who-knew-but-you love. Just so you know: I love you — all of you — madly. Happy Schmalentine’s Day, you pretty-pretty kittens.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy