Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

Mercury Retrograde Rehab

Mercury retrograde, Mercury retrograde, Mercury retrograde! Sing it to the tune of “Marcia Marcia Marcia!” because we all feel like high-strung Jan Brady when the planet of travel and communication travels backward. The truth, of course, is all astrological transits have strengths and challenges, and this one–beginning today and lasting until April 15– is no exception.

Back up your electronics and release any attachments to business as usual. (Exhibit A: Today’s urine snow-soaked commute.) Choose your words carefully and listen especially well, since this retrograde takes place in hot-headed Aries. And expect a lot of tension, since Mars, the god of war and the ruler of Aries, prefers to forge forward, and this is a better time to revisit old patterns and projects than begin new ones. But Aries is about self-empowerment and personal identity, so these three weeks will offer a very useful crash course in getting out of own way. It may feel like ripping off a Band-Aid, but there’s nothing so gratifying as unveiling a healed wound.

Sweet Sweet Fascism

I woke craving chocolate cake, as I do when PMSing despite having quit refined sugar or dessert of any kind more than three years ago. It’s miraculous that I gave it up, really, given my passion for sweetening things up literally. Am I utterly vice-free? Goddess no; I’m still more of an isolationist than is healthy, I still drink “adult sugar” as a goddaughter once called wine, I’m still waiting for that last sweet-faced narcissist to leave my bloodstream. But the more I detox my family’s favorite drug–and apparently it takes years to do so–the more I recognize it as one of the most odious and culturally accepted tools of end-stage capitalism. Keep them loggy, keep them sick, and fill their spiritual voids with empty calories. People will swallow the worst kind of shit with a spoonful of sugar, and no one rises to fight from the throes of sugar coma.

This Is Really Happening

Do you hate when people tell you about their dreams? I don’t. I like hearing about them, and I like sharing mine. In this messed-up world, it’s the only time we talk about the divine unconscious, which is why dreams often offer an ideal entry point to my Ruby Intuition sessions. Goddess knows dreams reveal all.

Last night: A dream of tiny vicerous* teeth embedded in the diamond ring he once gave me; the nightmares always nightmares of other people owning my body because i am pregnant. i did not wish either state, either title. I did not wish to bear young nor be a mother. Nor did I wish to wed nor be a wife. Wife and mother, mother and wife: no thank you. I wished for writer, actor, woman of the world. And i knew by age 20 that it was a fancy of the wealthy–a fancy of the fancy, if you will–to believe that women did not have to choose …men butch people really didn’t but that’s because even in 2018 they were the exception to a golden rule if they made parenting their raison d’être. The miracle was they could choose at all and from an early age i knew my choice but did not own it until I was nearly the age I am as i write this. you are not living up to this calling, whisper the voices as i drift to the surface of consciousness. you must be of service not just nervous….

I wake with dread.

*a word my unconscious manufactured meaning “viciously, viciferously visceral.”

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy