Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

The Doctor Is In

Screen Shot 2016-02-18 at 5.46.52 PMSo much heavy stuff has happened in the last few months but what broke this camel’s back–though in no way was it the gravest event–was the fact that this website got hacked. When you work for yourself, you have to be your own editor, publicist, accountant, and IT specialist. Generally, I don’t mind wearing so many hats but this week everything took a nosedive. Even figuring out the kind of help I needed proved difficult; articulating it proved more challenging; finding it was an absolute bear. Today, I finally hired someone and awaiting their results had my stomach in knots, my head fogged up. I hadn’t realized how much this blog had come to mean to me until it got all mucked up. The tech fairy kindly sorted everything out and updated my software but now I have to master the new system, which feels like learning how to tread water when I’ve been swimming across lakes for years.

It’s the same feeling I had last spring when it took a day to set up and learn an iPhone after I’d clung to the same Crackberry for a decade. I kept mumbling to myself, This will make things faster, right? Ultimately, it did, but first I had to dump a lot of time and energy into what still looks like a black hole in hindsight. Like so much about true adulthood, the hardest work is rarely remittable or detectable though it confers a secret satisfaction. UnknownI think about the Pilgrims, as I so often do when the modern world bogs me down. They didn’t have antibiotics but they also didn’t have computer viruses. What a strange world we now occupy: so isolated and so boundary-less, all at once. It’s enough to make this goody cry.

Love Is Love, Part II

Permakitten Grace is my favorite. Lately I can’t pretend otherwise. With this onslaught of single-digit temperatures, we’ve spent an inordinate amount of time snuggling and watching old movies together; Little Miss prefers MGM musicals, and I prefer anyone encased in fur this time of year. Really, she’s the only being I wish to live with, and I find the experience so damn enjoyable that I don’t mind sharing the bed with her, though I detest sleeping with any other living being. It’s not that she doesn’t have her foibles. I keep a long list of what pleases her: hugs, making the bed, flopping, snooping, radiators, catnip, windows, dragging her toys around, rumpling up rugs, Ruby Intuition readings, slow blinks from in-the-know humans, squeaking, holding hands, older cats, sock drawers, chicken soup, string, Ella Fitzgerald and Aretha Franklin, compliments (especially on social media; I swear she can tell), my voice. But my list of what scares her is equally long: hugs, making the bed, feet, male voices, snow, bed-making, staying home without me, traveling with me, paper bags, kittens, doorbells, laundry drying racks, trashcans, whiskey, the refrigerator, dish-washing, the clink of silverware, the hissing of steam pipes, bathtubs, fresh air, children, my ex-lovers, our downstairs neighbors, curtains, static, off-key singing (she hides when a certain friend warbles along with records), sudden movements, loud noises, her own shadow. Continue Reading →


I love pink. I love red. I love flowers. I love hearts. I love wine. I love sex. I love love. So this year I’ve decided to sidestep everything I don’t love about Valentine’s Day (the doth-protest-too-much couple proclamations on social media, the commercial malarkey, the jacked restaurant prices, the liberationists transformed into Cathy Comics) to focus on all that big, juicy, game-changing, out-of-left-field, who-knew-but-you love. Just so you know: I love you — all of you — madly. Happy Schmalentine’s Day, you pretty-pretty kittens.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy