Get to Know Lisa Rosman Through Her Various Works

The Future as February

For as long as I can remember, I have known that staying wedded to the past denies the magic of the future.

It’s why I’ve always stayed open to what movies, music, fashion, technology, ideas, humans, nature have brought in next. It’s also why I love reading for people. I can see the whole of their stories; I can see them shine.

But this month—this bleak, rainy February—I’ve been realizing that I like my future best when it’s rolling in front of me like a red carpet or a yellow brick road, glittering as a promise rather than a manifestation.

In other words, I don’t dream of sowing my dreams. I dream of my dreams themselves– glorious sunrises forever igniting the horizon. Continue Reading →

Finish Lines: Double Toil, Trouble, Entendre

Cute Cat’s Curls

Where to start, where to start?

It hasn’t been that long since I blogged, but it’s been a while since I deposited the kind of long, rambling essay that I feel inclined to deposit right now. Consider yourself warned.

The universe is encouraging me to do so. For one thing, I hiked all the way into the West Village to write the thank-yous I so desperately need—and want!—to write, only to discover I’d remembered everything but the beautiful notecards I’d purchased for this purpose. It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here at Oslo West, with my long-lost friend, barista Cat, who has new curls—or maybe curls she just let off the leash. Either way, they’re fetching.

So far it’s been that kind of year: everything off the leash. Exhibit A: our democracy. Correction: Our former democracy.

Anyway, all of the West Village is fetching, sometimes I forget. Once upon a time I lived here with the Architect, and as much as it’s changed it’s also the same: the oddest mix of brittle and cozy, bohemian and haughty. Continue Reading →

Tea and Empathy

No matter what time of day you come for an intuition reading, I’ll serve you tea. Sometimes (rarely) it contains caffeine but more often it’s a brew of herbs and leaves and roots based on what you’ll most need that day. Before you arrive, I tune in on your energy to find the blend that suits, and when you arrive, I put on the kettle. During the time the water takes to boil, we discuss the insights you’re seeking, and when the kettle makes itself heard—I swear it bleats like a lost sheep!—we roll up our sleeves. Often our last sip occurs just as the cards whisper their final secret and sometimes—less frequently—the leaves themselves have something to say.

In this way I not only let your smallest and most scared self know that you are welcome, but that we are enjoined with all the ancestors who engaged in tea ceremonies long before we entered this world. It is also how I share what’s in my heart—that it is an honor to serve you.

To schedule an intuition reading of your own, get in touch!

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy