Archive | Spirit Matters
The Gorgeous Weirdness of Easter
April 2, 2021 in Age Matters, Past Matters, Ruby Intuition, Spirit Matters
Easter is a weird holiday for me, as it no doubt is for many others. Growing up in Greater Boston with an aetheist Jewish father and a shiksa mother, the only people who thought I was Jewish were the gentiles. With the exception of my clan, the Jews of our town lived up on West Newton Hill–on the other side of the train tracks from my house; the right side, if you want the full metaphor. With my blond hair and messy small house I no more felt I belonged on the Hill than in my Irish-Italian neighborhood, known locally as the Lake.
During bar mitzvah season and the high holidays I was left out; on CCD Tuesdays (the Catholic kids’ equivalent of Sunday School) I was equally left out. But the worst was Easter, when Jews were blatantly maligned by the local priests, some of whom were later outed as pedophiles in the Boston Globe’s Spotlight investigation.
The Big-Bunny Love of Libra Full Moon
March 28, 2021 in Astro Matters, Ruby Intuition, Spirit Matters