Archive | Spirit Matters

Astro PSA: Venus and Mars Run Free

Huzzah! Today is a very fine day indeed.

After more than two months, Mars finally goes direct—ending a retrograde that has taught us a lot about our conflicts, management skills, ambitions, desires, and shadows. But this retrograde also been a royal pain in the ass that’s enabled 45 to block a smooth transition of power and broken more than its fair share of teeth, bones, workplqces, and relationships. Mars won’t be back to its normal station til the end of the year, but as soon as this weekend you’re likely to experience smoother negotiations and, uh, sexual healing.

ALSO ALSO ALSO today is Friday the 13th, which according to any cosmology that honors the divine feminine, is a transcendently empowering holiday—Venus Day, essentially. Know that this day has been demonized by the same historical patriarchies that landed 45 on top. So honor rather than fear this beautiful goddess energy, symbolized by the 13 moons in a lunar year. Count your blessings, hatch them for others, and release everything that doesn’t live up to the glorious goddess ethos of truth, love, beauty. Here’s to beautiful change we meet halfway.

❤️To meet your own magic halfway, book a reading or dream interpretation for yourself or a loved one. ❤️

Happy Witch Weekend! (Samhain Blue Moon)

Happy witch weekend, dear ones! Not only is today Halloween, the “Coven Christmas,” and Samhain, the festival celebrating the end of harvest and the beginning of the “darker” half of the year. Today is also crowned by a blue moon—the second full moon within a month, named for its rarity and amplified power of release. Known as the Samhain moon, this full moon is in root-building Taurus and is intersected by lightening-bolt Uranus, the rebel who shakes up the status quo. So expect the unexpected, even for Halloween, and open up to the up-ending, especially when it comes to blood lines and—because Taurus is ruled by Venus—love lines. My advice? Ask your guides and dearly departed for as much specific information as you wish. Meditate and journal to fully receive their downloads. And then tomorrow—All Soul’s Day—thank them in whatever way is most meaningful to you.
All Saturday and Sunday I am conducting tarot and intuition readings to access this powerful portal to the next world. Some slots are still available, so book a Ruby Intuition session!


Babies, I know we’re all tired, angry, and scared. But there’s good news, and I’m honored to deliver it. Over the next two days, the veil between this world and the next is totally lifted, granting us unprecedented power in a year of unprecedented upheaval. October 31 and November 1—Halloween and All Soul’s Day—are always portals to the spirit world, the plane on which our guides and ancestors reside. But in 2020 this portal coincides with a Samhain full moon during the last few days of Mercury Retrograde. This is a uniquely charged time in which we can directly connect to those who always shore us but we rarely see. Am I saying we’ll get to chat up our dead grandmother, the goddesses to whom we pray? Not exactly. But right now we can channel their support, guidance, and power with a voltage we rarely can summon. This means they can help in the upcoming election. That they can blow out our personal, political, spiritual, and professional blocks. And that they can activate the practical magic we rarely even recognize within ourselves.

I’m going to put it bluntly. I already have readings scheduled but I want to read all freaking weekend in order to help me help you. For when I tune in to other’s higher’s planes during such times I learn so much about how I may better conjure on everyone’s behalf. So if you’ve been thinking of scheduling a reading or if you’re just feeling underwhelmed by your Halloween prospects, please schedule a Ruby Intuition Zoom reading or dream session for yourself or a loved one. Also spread the word if you’re so inspired! This lifted veil can teach us to lift ourselves just when we need it most.

Book a Zoom reading here.

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy