Archive | Feminist Matters

Maahes for the Rest of Us

The intuition sessions I conduct in mid-summer are so lush. Everything we love most about July comes through–spirits we’d never otherwise meet; a sweet, wild verdancy demanding that we love and be loved without limits. Today I had a client who was awash in really beautiful leonine energy. She was of female body but, as our culture is finally learning, this did not preclude her highly evolved masculinity. We did our work and by “we” I do not just mean me and this beautiful lion person but also my familiar, the tiny cat known as Grace. As this client left, a lion-spirit came through so clearly that I went online and found an image of him. Meet Maahes, the Ancient Egyptian solar god who only fought in the name of social justice. One translation of his name is “True Before Her.” A gentle warrior who defers to the divine feminine? So grateful to meet him, especially as it seems he’s already befriended my permakitten. What is channeled in my office is never just for the people who enter it. Today it’s for everyone seeking a different model for male behavior. For Americans, in other words. Earthlings.

‘Anne With an E’ Gets a B

If you are a diehard fan of “Anne of Green Gables,” perhaps you have postponed watching “Anne With an E,” the newest television adaptation of L. M. Montgomery’s beloved 1908 novel about a Canadian orphan with notoriously red hair. Originally released by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, it hit Netflix in May, but I could not bring myself to watch the series after hearing it described as yet another “gritty, dark reboot.” Anne, I thought, should not be sullied by gritty darkness. Like another notoriously red-headed orphan (what is it about red hair and orphans?), she’s a paragon of cheerful pluck. Continue Reading →

Women Problems, ‘The Witches of Eastwick’

Though the toast of the town while alive, John Updike has fallen out of favor since his 2009 death. Perhaps this is because literary styles have changed, and the notoriously prolific writer’s Proustian effusions and adverbial chattiness have no place amid the muscular, subject-verb prose in vogue right now. But Updike’s oeuvre also has the sort of “woman problem” that is less tolerated with every passing year. It’s not that he wasn’t fascinated by women – his work is arguably as awash in female bodily fluids as any male writer’s since James Joyce – but there lurks a hate-love dynamic in it as well. Rooted in his books is the premise that women may be the source of all life but also the source of all trouble – a conflict best exemplified in 1984’s The Witches of Eastwick. Set in a fictional New England town, it focuses on three women whose latent magical powers materialize when a well-heeled stranger rolls into town and beds each of them. Though some hailed the book as a triumph of pagan feminism, others saw it as retrogressive, especially as a man is required to rouse these women into action. Continue Reading →

"All, everything I understand, I understand only because I love."
― Leo Tolstoy